Potential is like a fluctuating gauge we raise by self-improvement. It makes sense to prioritize it as a main goal of self-improvment.

For example, I have been on day-long bike ride through La Joya, CA. Imagine a day in a nice place, feeling a steep rise in potential. Ideas flood your mind, optimism grows, and you're active in communication. I felt like my potential has increased steeply. I had head full of ideas, solution arised, ideas connected, complex problem were easier to solve, I was optimisic, I sent a lot of messages.

Potential often slips unnoticed due to subtle, gradual growth. We're often trapped in a "normal world" mindset, dominated by normalcy bias, where changes seem nonexistent and life appears unchanging. Our potential might grow 1% every 30 minutes when exercising, or 1% weekly when changing our entire lifestyle. These small increments may seem trivial day-to-day, but cumulatively, they lead to a significant increase. At the end one may have hard time comparing the whole increase due to not perfect memory and Normalcy bias .

Other notes

Meditation gains are pretty subtle. If you meditate for 20 days, improving just 1% each day, it's tough to really feel that change. You're technically 20% better after those twenty days, but each day kinda feels the same. Noticing the total improvement can be tricky. That’s why I created Evaluating meditation: 20 days x 15 min