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1st interview

Overview of Tetlock findings

The headline result of the tournaments was the chimp sound-bite, but EPJ’s central findings were more nuanced. It is hard to condense them into fewer than five propositions, each a mouthful in itself:

Extremizing (explained again)

The example I used in the Super Forecasting book was the example from the advisors to President Obama when he was making the decision about whether to launch the Navy SEALs at a large house in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.

The thought experiment runs like this, that if when the President went around the room and he asked his advisors how likely is Osama to be in this compound, this mystery compound, if each advisor had said 0.7, what probability should the President conclude is the correct probability? Most people sort of look at you and say well, it’s kind of obvious, the answer is 0.7, but the answer is only obvious if the advisors are clones of each other. If the advisors all share the same information and are reaching the same conclusion from the same information, the answer is probably very close to 0.7

Imagine that one of the advisors reaches the 0.7 conclusion because she has access to satellite intelligence. Another reaches that conclusion because he access to human intelligence. Another one reaches that conclusion because of code breaking, and so forth. So the advisors are reaching the same conclusion, 0.7, but are basing it on quite different data sets processed in different ways. What’s the probability now? Most people have the intuition that the probability should be more extreme than 0.7, and the question then becomes how much more extreme?

More note on that

Centre for Effective Altruism where I’ve been working the last few years, we often get people to independently come up with probability estimates for different things before we discuss something, and then after we discuss it.

We’ve never done this thing of then combining them and then saying well, if we’re all on one side, then that should make us even more confident than the average of our answers. But perhaps we shouldn’t, anyway, because we’re all clones of one another or something like that or we all have access to too similar information, but that’s maybe something we should consider doing.

Philip Tetlock: Well, well-functioning groups that are very good at overcoming biases like failing to share distinctive information, groups that are effective at that, you want to be careful about extremising. For example, it wasn’t a good idea to extremise the judgements of super forecasting teams.

How to solve – does your research mean that we shouldn’t trust experts?

skeptics are over-claiming

It’s very hard to strike the right balance between justified skepticism of pseudo-expertise, and there’s a lot of pseudo-expertise out there and there’s a lot of over-claiming by legitimate experts, even. So justified skepticism is very appropriate, obviously, but then you have this kind of know-nothingism, which you don’t want to blur over into that. So you have to strike some kind of balance between the two, and that’s what the preface is about in large measure.

Experts good and bad

Bad - Laws of diminishing returns in