Animals have no soul therefore we can eat them and treat them as inferior to us.

Christian theologians believe that animals have no eternal soul. This might be one of the reasons why so many people by default are thinking about them as inferior to humans, as if they are not-beings. I feel the gravity of this thought on how I used to think of who my dog and other animals are.

We are animals with the ability to remember and construct time

For the first few hundred million years after their initial appearance on our planet, all brains were stuck in the permanent present, and most brains still are today. But not yours and not mine, because two or three million years ago our ancestors began a great escape from the here and now, and their getaway vehicle was a highly specialized mass of gray tissue, fragile, wrinkled, and appended. Via Stumbling on Happiness

While 75 percent of US adults believe they usually buy 'humane products', only one percent of farmed animals are raised on non-factory farms

Using data from the 2017 USDA Census of Agriculture ... it is estimated that 70.4 percent of cows, 98.3 percent of pigs, 99.8 percent of turkeys, 98.2 percent of chickens raised for eggs, and over 99.9 percent of chickens raised for meat are raised in factory farms.

Do animals consciousness is less vivid? Can they feel pain?

How much hours an animal has to spend on the factory farm per food source?

How much hours an animal has to spend on the factory farm per food source?

"Eating certain types of meat may cause more suffering than eating the same amount of another type of meat under otherwise identical circumstances." If you want to approach veganism with the primary reason of reducing suffering, start by eliminating:

  1. farmed fish from your menu, then
  2. battery-caged eggs, then
  3. chicken

Here's a great table By [Brian Tomasik]([0]=AZW9YonyCb5VNMI6EHuGVGJybiiBfFw0B7xKkM2STCF5TPP2xcQRoujo1azH2QKWh_aDbJdZb2f2dKPhI6H35kWF-pLo-8VHi-f6sAKjzpuBULdQI5aUPuKnjxhTV29INakRLzjSEA8IFq78DqnGcXbm9CgyZi9sIic6bCAp7IJrUw&__tn__=-]K-R) explaining this link

On synthetic meat

Meat is inefficient – 9 calories in (in forms of crops), 1 colorie out (in form of chicken meat – the most efficient meat)